I was recently asked to photograph some Blackthorn blossom by Kate who writes the Hello Trees books. I help Kate produce resource sheets to accompany the books which are free to download – the problem being that when blossom is out you only have a very time to photograph it! So she finds the blossom and I try to photograph it the same day for her.
We couldn’t use all the pictures from the shoot on the resource sheet, so here are the rest…
You can download the resource sheet for the Blackthorn here – all the resources have been created so that adults and children can use them together. We’ve tried to make them so that everyone learns something – whether it’s grandparents out with pre-schoolers or teachers taking their classes outside to discover more about the natural world.
I furthered my studies during 2015 with a macro photography course – specialising in plants and flowers as well as products. Each has different challenges – which are in turn, very different to photographing animals and people.
If you’d like some help getting your camera off ‘auto’ (those other settings are there for a reason!), your product photographing or perhaps you’d like to learn how to use Instagram to help your business, please get in touch.